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  • juliano4fun

♫And, baby, you could have whatever you like (if you like)♫ aka june 2020 update!

Stacks on deck (deck)

Patron on ice (ice)

And we can pop bottles all night

And, baby, you could have whatever you like (if you like)

I said you could have whatever you like (if you like), yeah (yeah)

Ok so June is officially gone, so I guess it's time for an update, not feeling terribly inspired so this will be a short update .

After a good poker month of May, I was hyped for June and hoped to at least confirm my status as a mtt grinder and hopefully keep the goodrun alive.

Things started well, cashing in some tournaments and feeling great overall but from the 5th of June until the 15th of June, I had a first taste of mtt variance as I was unable to grow a stack in any tournaments and losing all my allin flips as a big favorite.

The fact that i punted some stacks because of impatience during these days didn't help much but things turned around toward the end of the month as I did keep grinding when things were looking grim.

I'm glad I didn't stop playing as i managed a new personal best, winning 504$ in a 5$ reload tournament!

some other note-worthy finishes:

So all in all, we did pretty good as I managed to secure around 750€ in June, and although it's less than what I made in May, I'll still take it!

Looking back on my goals for June:

1) get a membership on a training site and study for at least 4 hours a week

==> I failed this one pretty hard but i have better hopes for July as I did subscribe to learnpropoker in June and the goal is to actually get to study this month

Time to study!!

2) get the business side of poker in order (taxes wise)

==> I managed to get an appointment with an accountant and he is currently setting up the poker business, all my winnings will be declared to the tax office!.. not sure if I should cheer or start crying..

3) lower the table count to focus more on each action while playing( i was playing 9 tables..)

==> this one is still a work in progress but the table count goes drastically down as the session progresses and I find myself putting more thought in my decisions that way. Also, as I'm playing on multiple poker sites, I am still trying out a lot of different tournaments to see which ones fit me best. For example, I have found that bounty tournaments tilt me way more as the math behind them dictate a more liberal gamble style given the increased odds because of the bounties at play. Also, it should be noted I suck at them and need to learn the format better before donating my money again.

Life Goals

GET IN SHAPE lol ==> after a back injury in December 2019, I gained a ridiculous amount of weight as I had to give up any sports for a few months and i love eating good food. Just as I started going back to working out, the pandemic hit and I couldn't be bothered working out on my yeah much kilo's to lose for our hero.

==> WIN!! I started the month by buying weights and I have been working out almost every day during the month. The fact that I'm still working form home because of the ongoing epidemic helped a lot in setting up a fixed workout schedule ( before I start work or during my lunch hour)

In addition, I also started eating healthy food and avoiding alcohol, allowing myself just 1 cheat meal during weekends to be able to go out dinning with my wife.

I kept track of my evolution andit looks pretty good as I managed to lose a bit over 5kg during June!

Anyway, lets have a look at July 2020:

Poker Goals for July:

1) study for at least 4 hours a week and join a study group

2) average 5 sessions a week

3) create a pre-session routine to get mentally ready to grind. I have found myself auto-piloting too much in June.

Life Goals for July:

Continue working out at least 5 times a week and eating healthy, hoping to dive under 80 kg by August.


oh, I'm thinking sharing my story on the 2+2 forum, will see how that goes..anyways..


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